George Bush has shown a phenomenal ability to convince himself of anything he wants to hear. It's his bubble, the place where he avoids reality.
Last week Bush showed Democratic lawmakers that, when it comes to the global War Without End on Terror, it's going to be hard to get him out of that bubble. According to McClatchy's Washington Bureau, the president seems determined to stay the course with his failed policies:
"Top Democrats in Congress left a White House meeting with President Bush on Friday frustrated over what they perceived as his reluctance to embrace major recommendations from the bipartisan Iraq Study Group.
"Democrats stressed to Bush in separate meetings the dire need for the administration to revamp its Iraq policy, but they don't expect him to embrace all 79 recommendations made this week by the panel, which was chaired by former Secretary of State James Baker and former Rep. Lee Hamilton, D-Ind.
"Bush said he talked about 'the need for a new way forward in Iraq' in his morning session with leaders from both parties and chambers of Congress, 'and we talked about the need to work together on this important subject.'
But some Democrats came away unconvinced that major changes were coming.
"'I just didn't feel there today, the president in his words or his demeanor, that he is going to do anything right away to change things drastically,' Senate Majority Leader-elect Harry Reid, D-Nev., said following the Oval Office meeting. 'He is tepid in what he talks about doing. Someone has to get the message to this man that there have to be significant changes.'
"Instead, Bush began his talk by comparing himself to President Harry S Truman, who launched the Truman Doctrine to fight communism, got bogged down in the Korean War and left office unpopular.
"Bush said that 'in years to come they realized he was right and then his doctrine became the standard for America,' recalled Senate Majority Whip-elect Richard Durbin, D-Ill. 'He's trying to position himself in history and to justify those who continue to stand by him, saying sometimes if you're right you're unpopular, and be prepared for criticism.'
It sounds as though George Bush is getting ready to move out of his bubble - and into a bunker.
1 comment:
Hello Mound of Sound,
A small village in Texas is missing an idiot and unfortunately we found him. What a fine pickle the world is in as the result of a bunch of careless villagers!
We are witnessing the last throes of so-called representative democracy...
Just how wise is it for billions of souls to to be at the mercy of a proven idiot just because those with the most money and least scruples put him in power? GW Bush and the greedy scoundrels that surround him are stunning evidence of the utter folly and failures of government driven by money, religion, and politics.
It was clear to me that GHW (papa) Bush was crying recently because he's suffering from the stress of realizing that the debacles caused by his son are ultimately traced to the Bush family's aristocratic ambitions. In other words, the old man and his cabal cronies are as much to blame for Iraq and other evils as the clueless son they foisted upon the world stage. That is why family consiglieri James Baker and smoking man Eagleburger were called in to set the stage for little W's demise.
Royalty, aristocracy, and plutocracy always were and always will be bad ideas and we have been forced to suffer through yet more proof of this. Do you think GW's feelings are more important than the wealth and power of the empire? We're now witnessing the praetorian guard fulfilling their most sacred duty; saving the empire from an insane emperor.
Unfortunately for them, it's too little too late.
Here is Wisdom...
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