Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Here's a Grand Idea - Let's Just Write Them a Cheque

Please, oh please. Just give me the money. I won't waste it, I promise, Please?

Afghanistan's development minister wants to cut out the middlemen - you know, the aid and reconstruction organizations and just give the money straight to him. It'd sort of make the Afghan people think better of the Karzai government if they didn't have to watch those foreigners fix their wells and instead had to grovel to Kabul for a few bucks, right?

According to the minister, Ehsan Zia, the already thoroughly corrupted Kabul government won't steal that money and that's a promise.

Zia said, "The people of Afghanistan expect the government of Afghanistan to do things for them." Maybe the government should stop doing to them what it's been doing before we start worrying about what it might do for it's people.

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