Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Save the Planet - Eat Whales

That little bit of despicable perversion comes from a Norwegian pro-whaling lobby, the High North Alliance.

Here's their thinking. They've done a survey that shows harpooning whales is environmentally less damaging than raising livestock. From the Environmental News Network:

"The survey, focused on whale boats' fuel use, showed that a kilo (2.2 lbs) of whale meat represented just 1.9 kilo (4.2 lbs) of greenhouse gases against 15.8 for beef, 6.4 for pork and 4.6 for chicken.

Greenhouse gas emissions caused by one meal of beef are the equivalent of eight meals of whale meat," the study said."

Now, what the Alliance's study overlooked is that the best environmental solution is actually to harpoon Norwegian whalers themselves. Not only is it cheap and effective, it eliminates your dinner's greenhouse gas emissions for decades. Hey Svend, get over here!

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