Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Stelmach Wins Big - Puke

I don't care much for Alberta or for the Albortion people for that matter. I'm not surprised they returned their premier, Special Ed Stelmach, to power with one of the biggest majorities in decades.

What interests me is how the media and the pollsters got that one so wrong. They weren't just off, they were wrong, wrong, wrong. Might as well have used a dart board or a ouija board. Then again, judging by their accuracy maybe that's what they did.

So, Big Oil rules again and for the foreseeable future for that matter. And with Harpo pulling strings for Alberta in Ottawa, it's carte blanche for the Tar Sands. Great, just great.


Loves2travel said...

I believe the Globe and Mail poll was bang on. What were you reading?


Anonymous said...

"I don't care much for Alberta"

The feeling is mutual.

Anonymous said...

What Trevor said.

Anonymous said...

It would be a good idea to start liking Alberta and Saskatchewan considering those two provinces are going to be paying for the bulk of social programs in this country for the next 25 years. And dont kid yourself, Dion/Rae/Iggy would give Alberta the same conrol that Harper has, doing otherwise would be political suicide. Its silly and counter productive to question voters. Its silly when Conservatives question the validity of GTA voters, and its silly when Liberals question Albertans. If you want to win an election, work harder and come up with better ideas then the other guy. billg

The Mound of Sound said...

Don't worry Bill. We're just waiting for Harper to recognize Kosovo so we can proceed with the long-awaited dream, Cascadia. Oregon, Washington and BC in an autonomous union. We might even let California come along but not right away. The combined economic strength and even energy resources of those three jurisdictions would be quite amazing.

By the way, Albertans are still easterners to us.

Oldschool said...

Lived and worked in Edmonton for 7 years . . . great place, hard working people!!!
If the rest of Canada followed the lead of Alberta we wouldn't be looking down at the great "Nanny State" model we have nationally.

Hey mound . . . why would BC want to get hooked up with California??
Outflow migration, illegal immigration, and fading economy?
The Green Governator is off his rocker thinking he is going to save the planet . . . sooo nuts!!!

Anyone see anything of the 400 Climate Scientists from all over the world meeting in New York this week . . . bet you won't . . . cause they totally trash the Gorebull Warming Scam.

Coldest winter in decades all over the Globe . . . must be GW!!!

Anonymous said...

Fill your boots. But I'm still right. billg

Anonymous said...

"By the way, Albertans are still easterners to us."

So where does that leave Atlantic Canada? "Provincal racism" is alive and doing quite well in this country. And you MOS.......born in Ontario? Cheers

The Mound of Sound said...

"Provincial racism"? I didn't know there was an Alberta race or an Ontario race? Born in Ontario, yes, but out here for 30-years. It's a curious thing how some folks out here find more in common with the coastal states to the south (save California) than they do with the province right next door. Spending time in Washington or Oregon can feel a lot like being right at home. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

That is the point....Canadians don't call themselves Canadians....they are Albertans, or Nova Scotians.....hence my comment. We even go so far as to ask "where are you originally from"? As if the old country has some kind of influence and that it makes a difference. I have been asked that question many times and when I reply "I am a Canadian" it doesn't satisfy. When I say I was born in England...I ask, "does that make a differenece?" The only time a Canadian calls himself a Canadian is when he/she is around Americans or overseas.

"Spending time in Washington or Oregon can feel a lot like being right at home. Go figure."

That sentiment may come from the fact that each province thinks it is better than any other in this country..go figure. I've lived in every province except PEI and provincal racism exists big time and also in B.C. where I am right now...go figure!!