Monday, March 03, 2008

They Even Coined a Word For It - Foeticide

Foeticide, the deliberate aborting of female foetuses, has become common in India. Authorities estimate it leads to half a million abortions every year. Mom and dad want a boy, have an ultrasound, don't like what they see and - she's gone.

Now the Indian government is introducing a plan to pay poor families to keep the girls with cash benefits of up to 15,500 rupees or about $400. The government hopes to save 100,000 female children a year with the programme.

The British medical journal Lancet estimates that, over the past twenty years, as many as 10-million female foetuses may have been aborted out of a preference for sons.

Observers wonder if the plan will have much success as it's in the wealthier provinces and cities that the foeticide rate is highest.

Sorry folks, I'm definitely pro-choice but there is a line when it comes to opting for abortion to improve one's future economic security. Girls can take care of their parents too.


Anonymous said...

This also goes on in South Korea, China, Japan, Singapore and Thailand. That's a great way to male dominate the world..... tongue in cheek...Cheers

Anonymous said...

I supposed it's ONE way to solve the problem of overpopulation...
