Monday, March 03, 2008

Connie Takes a Few Nips Before Entering Dog House

Faith, they say, can enable man to endure horrible ordeals.

Conrad Black, now inmate Black, is a man of faith - faith in God and even more faith in Himself.

Old 18330-424, as he's now known, has faith that his fraud convictions will be overturned and even has faith that he'll be out of jail in just a few months.

I don't think 424's faith is going to spring him nearly as fast as he might hope. The most serious conviction, the obstruction charge, is based on videotape of him removing boxes of documents from Hollinger's Toronto offices. It's going to take a heaping helping of Divine intervention to get that one set aside.

"A moron who actually seriously looks at this case sees that it is a crock and I expect it will ultimately be determined to be so," he said. That counld be so, Conrad, but I wouldn't count on the appellate judges being morons.

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