Monday, March 03, 2008

Kicked In the Teeth

In Charlie Madrid's half century on this planet he sure hasn't learned much. Here are a couple of them:

If you want to kill the president of your country, best not to tell your ex-girlfriend. And, if the Los Angeles police later show up at your door and ask, "Do you want to kill the president?," it's not going to help you a lot to say "yes."

Madrid has been charged with charged with knowingly and willfully threatening to take the life of the president. It's kind of a weird offence, one that can land an American in a lot of trouble for simply thinking out loud.

According to Charlie's mum, he's just had a streak of bad luck lately. As if the breakup with Wanda O'Hickey-Way wasn't bad enough, he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis two years ago. Then his job as a technician at a local radio station was cut back to part time and then some bastard stole his only means of transportation, his bicycle, off mom's front porch.

Said Rachel Madrid-Hall, "Sometimes life just kicks you in the teeth." Amen.

It sort of reminds me of Olde England where they had the offence of imagining the death of the king. A conviction for that in the Star Chamber could fetch you the full Braveheart - drawn to the place of execution on a hurdle, hanged but cut down while still alive, disembowled and then hitched up to the horses and quartered. Nasty folks these monarchs.

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