Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hey Guys, Here's A Tip

If you want a woman to think you're handsome, find a good-looking woman to fawn over you. Her attention may be enough to make the one you're after find you much more attractive. From The Telegraph:

"The research, published in a prestigious scientific journal, gives objective credence to a common practice among American men of asking a female friend to be their “lady wingman”, or even hiring a beautiful woman to flirt with them in a bar, party or club to make them appear more attractive to others.

“'What our findings suggest is that these services probably work to some extent,' commented Dr Ben Jones of the University of Aberdeen, one of the team that puts this practice on a scientific basis today in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

"First 28 female participants were shown eight pairs of faces and had to indicate which one in each pair they thought was more attractive. After this, participants viewed a short slideshow where they saw women looking at one of the faces in each pair with either a smiling expression (signalling a positive attitude to the looked-at man) or a neutral expression (signalling a more negative, bored, attitude to the looked-at man).

"After the slideshow, participants repeated the initial face preference test and the team found that just 30 seconds of interest from another woman was enough to make a man seem more desirable.

Now, if I can just find a woman - any woman - to smile at me...

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