Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Running Out the Clock

Two years, that's all he needs. Just two years and the Iraq war fiasco will be someone else's responsibility and then there'll be someone else to blame for losing. Keeping this war going is important enough to George Bush that he'll override his generals, get rid of the doubters, even defy the American people and their congress.

Do you remember, after the first Chretien win when the Tories under Kim Campbell came up with only two seats, Brian Mulroney claimed that, if he had stayed around, the Tories would have won? That's precisely the sort of delusional thinking that has a hold on Shrub's mind right now. Avoid having to accept defeat, avoid responsibility. Let somebody else carry the can. Hey, they're not his kids who'll be buying his time with their lives.

This is villainy writ large.

The question isn't how Iraq is going to turn out. It isn't about al-Qaeda and the War Without End on Terror. It's about whether Bush can retain enough public support for the remainder of his term to avoid a public clamour for his impeachment.

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